Monday, August 17, 2009

Before Carson-After Carson

I did it again-messed up and have these pictures in opposite order from what I intended! Boy am I out of practice. My brother-in-law is an awesome drywall and carpenter man. He and Linda came up last week to do some much needed repairs to my house. First you see the AFTER Carson pictures. The picture above was given to me by my clinical group this summer-in honor of my spirituality and because they knew I liked Norman Rockwell pictures. It goes very nicely in the new room Carson finished for me. You can see that picture below. The Rockwell picture hangs above the table.

These are the pictures of what Carson had to work with...ugly closet where my furnance and hot water had sat before I moved them (I had to buy new) to my garage this summer. It is a wonder the paneling did not catch fire. You can see the holes in the floor (covered up) and in the ceiling that the furnace guys didn't fix. They told me when I questioned them that "we are not carpenters"! It would have been nice if they had told me that up front. I am sure they assumed I knew that. Carson tore out the paneling, the floor, the ceiling-all down to the studs and put up dry wall. It really looks great! You will have to come visit me sometime-of course, give me notice so I can be sure the place is clean....!!!!! My sister and I turned my house upside down cleaning while Carson did this job.

That's it for now folks! School started back with prep week today. Students start next Monday.

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