Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just have to share this...

A year ago I probably would have been offended at this but this year I laughed and laughed and so did my students. Yesterday when I was given my User ID to the medication cart at St. F's it was GOJHOG! That translates into Go J Hog! Whew I'm glad I've lost some weight!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Dad

Last year about this time Dad moved to Silver Oaks Health Campus. I honestly did not think he would be here this Father's Day. He has surprised me and I am thankful. Due to his fall last week I was not able to take him to church this week-at least so I thought. When I got there to take him to church there they said he had dressed himself and was supervision only on mobility. So I decided to see if he could walk with his walker. He did! All the way from his room to the dining room where they have church. After church he walked to the dining room where they were having Father's Day Brunch and then back to his room. He was pretty tired by that time so we took the knee immobilizer off and put him to bed for the afternoon. Here are some pictures I took today.
They always have wonderful food on their brunch tables and Tim always makes it look so attractive. Here you can see the fried chicken, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. They also had a good baked fish florentine that I enjoyed. Dad always likes the other end which includes scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuit and gravey. Then there is the beautiful salad. The desserts are to "die" for. For some reason I could not get that picture to upload. I cheated and had a small piece of their chocolate cake and 2 bites of a raspberry scone.

This is Dad and I in the courtyard. I am wearing a size 12 blouse! Aunt Joyce and Uncle Hubert always enjoy eating with us on brunch Sundays! I enjoy it too because I can have company and not have to cook or clean house! Love it!

And here is a common scene throughout Taylorsville and Columbus. This is just down the street from me. Enough about the 100 year flood we have experienced.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blue Ribbon Day!

Thursday was a blue ribbon day for me! I have lost 64 inches of weight since last Thanksgiving! Can you believe that? I received a blue ribbon this length to hang with my other ribbons that represent how much I have lost in inches. This is more than I am tall so it was true that I was as round as I was tall! I still need to loose 3.5 pounds. Boy is that ever being hard to get off. Maybe next week.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My home town-Edinburg

Edinburg is known for a lot of things-The Burtons and Streevals here there, it was named after Edinburgh Scotland, close to Atterbury, etc. Now it is known as the town that broke the record for rainfall in a 24 hour period! 10.94 inches to be exact. I forget when the last record was set but I do know it wasn't in my lifetime. I went up to take some pictures. Not only have they been supersaturated with rain but a tornado went through there last week as well. My childhood did not receive any damage for which I am thankful. Now if I can just get these pictures in here.

This is the Big Blue River Dam. Usually it is nice lovely dam.

The Irwin Park has lots of memories of my childhood. Church picnics and July 4th fireworks. I found this scene in E'burg.

This looks pretty good today...

It is pretty hot and steamy here today. Thank goodness I have electricity and my air conditioner works. We do have a nice breeze going though.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

This is not funny---

The flash flood warning will last until 9PM Sunday night. Columbus is flooded. CRH is evacuated, Columbus Health and Rehab nursing home is evacuated, 17th street by the hospital is collapsed, Schaffer Lake dam and Princess Lake dam collapsed. Candlelight Village where my friend Wayne and his Mom live is evacuated. Last I heard they were not together when evacuation needed to happen. I hope they found each other. Thus far (my last phone check) Silver Oaks is okay but the water is getting too close for comfort for me. I can't get there so I have to trust them to take care of my Dad. It is going to be a long night. They say on the radio that things could get worse during the night. For the moment I have lights and the phone line. Lots of things are going through my mind tonight. The biggest thing is that we all need prayer. Here are some "after" pictures I promised earlier today.

For some reason I can't find the pictures I want to put in here. Maybe tomorrow. I just heard that the Schaffer Lake dam did not break as previously reported. I now have water! Whoopee! Now for some supper. My diet schedule is all off today. Just heard from Wayne-he is okay, at Lee's Inn in S/ville but he doesn't know where his Mom is.

I think I am going to bed. See you tomorrow.

Water above us-water around us

I hadn't planned on going out very early today, planned to pay bills, clean house, etc. It looks like I won't be going anywhere for a while. Ten years go (July 20,1998) we had the great flood of Taylorsville. If you remember our church was flooded as well. It is happening again today. The street was dry and then the next time I looked out this is what I saw. I will post some later today as an update. I didn't have my camara when the neighbor was coming down the street with water poring out of the grill on the front of his car. It stalled and that is when I took the first picture. The second picture is of him trying to push the car. Eventually, the neighbors decided to help him out. That is picutre 3. These neighbors now have water in their family room and I think they have gone to stay with my next door neighbors. The last two pictures are of the house across the street where they are worried about water coming into the garage and house. Rhonda and John's backyard is completely full of water, they live just to the west of me. It is still poring rain. It is interesting there are flash flood warnings out for all the counties around us but not Bartholomew! See ya later today, gotta go pay bills and clean house! I tried doing a slide show but I just can't get the hand of it! Karen I need a demo sometime.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Setting Priorities and Making Memories

Tonight was our June SHARE meeting at church. SHARE is for ladies to come together and have fellowship, food and spiritual refreshment. Tonight's theme was Pamper Yourself! Amy had the devotional about resting our soul, body and mind to get rejuvenated. She and I did a skit about a conversation between a woman who has rested all 3 of these parts God created and a lady who had forgotten to rest. I will let you guess who played which role! One of us identified too much with this skit-again-YOU figure that one out! I am going to try to put the pictures into a slide show. We will see what happens.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday afternoons

If I can't be at the foot of a water fall listening to the rush of the water and visualizing all my troubles being washed down river then I will be content lying in my hammick enjoying a good book a nap or even Buddy, my furry friend from next door.