Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Lady on Her Wedding Day

I found this poem the other day that was written by Linda and I when we were MUCH younger! As you can tell we learned rhyming from our father and also learned that rhyming didn't have to make sense! Enjoy.

The Lady on Her Wedding Day

The lady on her wedding day dressed in pink,

Went home to the farm to find that hogs do stink.

The lady on her wedding day dressed in white,

Went to the beauty parlor and came out a sight.

The lady on her wedding day dressed in blue,

Went to Kalamazoo and came back with a monkey that looks like you.

The lady on her wedding day dress in green,

Went to the grocery store and came back with a little bean.

The lady on her wedding day dressed in yellow,

Went to the ball and thought she was Cinderella.

The lady on her wedding day dressed in red,

After she was fed found she was too big for her bed.

The lady on her wedding dressed in black,

Chased a bug and fell in a potato sack.

The lady on her wedding day dressed in purple,

Ate so much she turned into a circle.

By Linda and Janet Burton

Date: Unknown

Monday, June 18, 2007

Things I do not tell Dad....

What in the world? Where did all those flies come from?
Thus were my thoughts as I walked by Dad's car today when I was going in to clean his house. There were oodles of them flying around inside his car! I quickly rolled down all the windows and dodged them as they flew out the windows in all directions. Whew. I made my way inside the house and keeping thinking-what made all those flies get inside that car? Then it hit me-garbage! Sure enough there was an old full garbage bag in his trunk that had never found its way to the landfill. I placed that bag inside a new garbage bag and left the trunk open too. Everyonce in awhile I would check the progress of the fly exodus. Thoughts of Pharoah came to my mind at times. By afternoon most of them had left but I knew I had to get rid of the rest of them. Took a broom to them-helped some but not enough. I decided that maybe if I took the car for a drive with the windows down that they would all fly out. Good thought but it didn't happen because I couldn't get the car started!!!! Now what!???? It was about to rain so I had to put the windows up again while I tried to find someone to jump start the battery. Marvin is going to do that in the morning. Please don't tell Dad, Ok?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Dad Willie

Dad at dinner at Silver Oaks.
My Dad is a very special person who is well loved by many people. When I think of my Dad I am reminded of 3 P's. He is a man of principle, a man of prayer, and a lover of people. Dad has stood for the principles of God's Word all my life. Some may not have agreed with him but he always did what he thought was right. Dad has never been afraid to testify for Jesus, I have never met anyone who can work a testimony into every conversation with a stranger. Many people remember Dad saying, "Stand real still while I pray for you." It didn't matter if it was at the end of his line at the Jay C Store, the Cracker Barrell, a parking lot, etc. Dad is always ready to pray with you. Daddy has never met a stranger in his life. His ready smile, silly rhymes, jokes, and those jumping biceps can always bring smiles to others. And we can't forget those stories that he loves to tell over and over to whomever will listen! Dad loves his girls, his granddaughters all thier husbands and their children. Dad just loves everyone!

Dad's days are limited on this earth and it looks like he will spend them some place other than his home. His memory is failing and he is no longer able to live independently. I have attached some pictures of him in the Silver Oaks Health Campus where he now resides. Pray for all of us as it is an adjustment for us as well as him.

Dad standing in the lobby of one of the entrances to the transitional care unit.

Dad in his favorite position-sleeping!
Dad sitting on the patio outside the dining room.
Oh my, I need to get a picture of him and his "horse"! Maybe tomorrow!

Friday, June 1, 2007

He's Here! Finally!

Colton Ross Hunt arrived May 31 at 10:05 PM! He weighed in at 8 lbs/10 oz, was 20 inches long and he head was 14.5 inches. That hurts! His mommy worked real hard to birth him naturally but ended up with an epidural and a c-section. Proud parents are my niece and her husband: Jeff and Susan (Scarbrough) Hunt.
Colton comes from a book that Susan read several years ago and Ross is a tribute to my Mom's birth father (he died when Mom was about 2 years old). Susan has Mom's middle name-Iris.
They came home from the hospital today.