Monday, December 31, 2007

A Georgia Christmas

I know I am late at getting Christmas pictures on but if you read my sister's blog you have probably seen a few of what I am posting. I had an AWESOME time in Georgia with my family. The girls had told their husbands that this was to be a family Christmas so we were doing everything together-none of this men and women doing things separately! For two days we basically partied! Saturday found us on the mountain hiking and cooking over an open fire at Bob Jones's cabin (not associated with Bob Jones University by any means!) Sunday we had the dedication of Susan and Jeff's little Colton during the Christmas service. What a blessed time to worship and dedicate together as a family. Sunday afternoon was Christmas dinner and gift exchange. The kids draw names and decided this year that everyone had to make their "name" something. In private I will tell you about one of the gifts!

The first picture is Susan and Jeff Hunt with baby Colton after dedication service .
This is a picture of Linda and I after the Christmas service.

The Scarbrough clan. Carson and Linda in the middle. To Carson's left is the Vernon family: Dave and Cheryl, Isaac and Ethan (in front of Papa). To Linda's right is Christa and the Sam's family: Martha holding Peyton, Larry and Carson and Steven are in front of Linda. Sitting on the pew is Jeff, Susan and Colton. Last but not least is me. My "boys" are so cute!!! Can you imagine 6 boys in a trailer playing? Fortunately, the weather was nice enough for them to be outside some.

At the cabin even the big people had to play! Here is Cheryl defending the girl's flag from the guys. The girl's had excellent strategy and finally won much to the chargin of the guys!

Jeff so graciously took his ammunition out and let me "hunt". What I was hunting I have no idea-maybe a man? LOL! Not likely to find one in the woods!

I have many many more pictures that maybe I will share later. I have a new camara and it isn't compatible with my computer so I had to make a CD in order to download them onto my computer and I haven't had time to label them so it is hard to pick the right pictures based on numbers only.
We had a great Christmas with Daddy-he was able to spend the entire day with us at my hourse which is just what my sister wanted. But then that night he was all messed up, couldn't sleep and fell walking in his sleep. Got a big black eye! He looks pitiful.
I have so thankful that God gave me such precious Christmas memories this year. As you all know it hasn't been the easiest of year's for me and God has been so very good to me!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It's all Aunt B's fault!!!

It was when I saw the pictures of me as Aunt Bee that I knew something had to go! Pounds that is. So I signed up at the Metabolic Research Center in Columbus to loose some weight! Here is the meaning of all the hints.
  1. The Christmas project was to loose 20 pounds by Christmas! The green was the ribbon they measured off after I had been on the plan for a month and had lost 19.5 inches of stored fat!!! The number 12 was the original number of pounds I had lost since Thanksgiving, then I was sick and gained 1.5 pounds so that is why the magic number changed to 10.5 and in 3 days I lost that for a total of 13 pounds lost! I can't believe no one noticed I looked a few pounds lighter. I have had fun with this and I hope no one is too disappointed that it had nothing to do with a special friend or a special date! Sheila and Jonathon were just too funny in their comments.

When I walked into my niece's house with my food she thought, "how nice that Aunt Jan brought some food to help us out at Christmas!" but didn't say anything. The next morning when Linda saw me peeling boiled eggs for breakfast and talked about how she needed to go on a diet. Martha is the one who connected the dots between what I was eating and the hints and actually said the magic words Christmas project so she won the special Christmas present when we opened gifts-a small bottle of lotion she had been admiring all weekend when I lotioned my hands after washing dishes!

So the secret is out and I am still marching along to lose 50 pounds! This is the only weight loss plan I have ever been able to stick too and I love it. I feel sooooo good and can tell a big difference with just 13 pounds off. I am already off one of my blood pressure pills.

So stayed tuned and I may share some more magic numbers as we go along.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I did. Sometime soon I'll post some pictures of me hunting, eating salad while others ate hot dogs, and the kids I so dearly love.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Ok-the last hint till Christmas day!

Here you go Karen and all the rest! The magic color is still green and more progress has been made since Tuesday's post. The magic number is now 13, not 10.3. The other number is still 19.5. The Christmas project is making its way south in a few minutes. I hope it doesn't weigh Jane's van down too much. :) Sorry there is no picture. Mine went kapoot this week and I "had" to buy a new one and I haven't had time to set it up, et due to working on this Christmas project!
Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Christmas project-more hints

Well, it seems I have some people confused and almost dead based on the comments to the past post. Jonathan-you are just too funny!
Update: it isn't quite as green as it was last week. It was a bad week, still recovering from vertigo, ending this semester, the snow, church play (which was excelllent by the way)-everything just seemed to slow down. So instead of progress we had some regression. The magic number is 10.5, not 12. If I have time on Friday I may post a picture before I leave for GA that might give another hint. Don't you think that 19.5 is a nice length for a baby? Also, some babies heads measure 10.5 or 12 inches! The project will not be completed by Christmas but the confusion will end then. I even have a special present (in addition to the project) for the person who is wise enough to figure it all out.
I was going to post the picture today but my camara battery was dead.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Project

Well, it is time to give an update on the Christmas project I mentioned in my last post. I thought it would get way behind this week with me being in the hospital with viral vertigo last week. None the less, I have a progress report. The magic color is green and the magic numbers are 12 and 19.5. Think on that awhile! Remember don't even think about asking questions! Someone is going to get a wonderful present this year-I hope the rest of you don't get too disappointed. Even if you think you know, don't put a hint in your comments.
Merry Christmas to all-and I would say to all a good night but I have several hours to go before I can say goodnight. :)
Love ya,
Lady J