Thursday, May 29, 2008


4 more pounds gone only 3.5 to go to reach my goal of 50 pounds!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I wish I were a man...

I wish I were a man...
When I have to use a portalet! Those are the most awkward things for a lady but a welcome sight when you need one! Well, that got your attention didn't it? My sister is probably dying of embarrassment about now because her little sister has posted such an image. Just wanted you all to know that I am finally able to be back blogging. I will try to keep you entertained throughout the summer months.
I had the wonderful experience of using one of these public portalets Friday night at the annual Salute! concert on the courthouse lawn in Columbus. A wonderful concert honoring our troops. We had flyovers, sing-a-long, etc all in the cool ccol of the evening with occassionally rain showers! Jackets and umbrellas were a necessity! Ever try eating a salad and hold a umbrella at the same time? I forgot my camara and was sick because it was such a wonderful camara moment!
Weight loss has been slow recently but I am at least up to 43.5 pounds! Only 6.5 to go. When I hit that 50 mark I promise to post before and after pictures.
See ya later!