Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Greetings

I woke up this morning counting my many blessings! God is so good and He has been so faithful to me this past year. Here are some things I am thankful for:
  • The adjustment of my Dad to Silver Oaks and the good care he receives.
  • The support of my sister and family this past year.
  • Friends who are too numerous to name without leaving out someone.
  • The beautiful red and orange leaves this fall.
  • The neighbor who kept my yard mowed this summer.
  • Sharing time with a new friend.
  • "A roof up above me and shoes on my feet. Food on my table..."
  • Strength fo rmy days.
  • And another blessing which you all will find out about later! No asking of questions!
Here are some pictures of Brown County this fall.

Last Saturday was the family Thanksgiving dinner at Silver Oaks. It was a wonderful dinner with turkey and all the fixin's. Dad ate a huge plate full of food. It is so good to see he still has a hardy appetite. I plan to take him to Cracker Barrel today for turkey dinner if he feels like it and it isn't too cold. He has been feeling well this week.

That's it for today!
Love ya all!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I was tagged!

After I posted about my life I checked out comments on my last post. As I understand it I have been tagged (by Christa) to list 7 random things about me. My goodness, I think everyone knows all there is to know about me but here goes!

1. I love God with all my heart
2. My family is very precious to me
3. So are my friends
4. I love seeing "light bulbs" come on in my students brains (that really is not a rare event)
5. My favorite music: classics, the Collingsworth, old Gaither songs, some southern gospel
6. My favorite author is: Gilbert Morris, Beverly Lewis, Janette Oak, Lori Wick-just to name a few!
7. My favorite trip overseas was England and Scotland

That's it folks! Now I have to tag someone, who will it be?

Well, it's about time...

Been a long time hasn't it? Hopefully, friends and family have not given up on me and no longer check my site. So, it is "ketchup" time!

The last ten weeks have been extremely busy with work. My 10 week class is over so I think I will have more time to do something that is worth posting. In spite of the busyness I have been able to do a few fun things. Enjoy the pictures.

September found me enjoying a couple of Saturday outings with a friend of mine from work.

My first outing was to the Falls of the Ohio for a rock show. Bought my first rock and enjoyed sitting along the river having lunch, eating ice cream, and talking. It was a great day. Never thought I would ever be interested in rocks or fossils-I guess it is the company you keep! :) That is Louisville peeking under the railroad bridge. A few weeks later found us at Chatuqua of the Arts in Madison. Another beautiful day outside.

In October I flew to Little Rock, AK overnight to practice a presentation for the med surg conferenc in late October. My friend Gloria and I were presenting a book review on The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

October 24-29 was spent in Las Vegas at the 16th annual national convention of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. It was my priviledge to be the chair of the program planning committee which means we arranged for all the speakers at the convention. Thus I was able to welcome all 1100 participants in the opening ceremony and introduce our entertainment for the. I know you be as excited about this as I was when you see our picture!

Will Elvis never die? I went out a day early so that I could enjoy the Nevada landscape and do what I wanted to do before all my friends hit town. Red Rock Canyon-very gorgeous!-I'm talking about the canyon now NOT me! The leaves on the few trees they have do turn colors.

No that is NOT me in the front of this car on the Insanity ride! Her husband paid her to take this ride!. Once the car extends out from the Stratesphere way up above Vegas it then extends just a little ways beyond the track and then the whole thing tips downward. I am sure it is a gorgeous view but I think I will stay in the observation deck!

Love that '57 Chevy!

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that I had to help resuscitate a man in respiratory arrest on the plane when we were about 30 minutes from landing in Vegas. I'll spare you the details but it was no fun at all!

Our keynote speaker for Thursday night was Leann Thieman. She is an LPN who went to Viet Nam to bring home 6 orphans from Saigon and was told it was completely safe. Just before she arrived in Saigon they had a major battle there and it was terribly unsafe and instead of 6 babies she helped bring 300 babies-one she adopted! Leann helps to compile stories for the Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul. The second volume is coming out in December-hint, hint family of mine! I was able to help her sell books that night as she autographed books. It was lots of fun.

Another fun thing I did with Gloria and her sister was to attend the musical called Menopause! Talk about hilarious-we laughed the entire 90 minutes of the performance. Leann says we need to laugh 400 times a day to stay healthy-we did it all in that 90 minutes. The musical is perfomed by 4 women in menopause-what a spoof. Actually it was very educational about the symptoms of menopause. It was definately worth the money!

Game: who am I? This picture was taken at the Ivy Tech Faculty Retreat day last Friday. The topic was Generational Differences. The tables were decorated around a theme of a decade of the 1900's. I was invited to sit at table with the theme of the Andy Griffith show. So who was I and family who in the world do at look like! Pretty scary uh?

I wore my Grandma G's hat, borrowed pearls, Aunt Callie's cameo broach, a shawl made for me many years ago, my gloves and purse with my Grandma G's hankie sticking out the purse. People said I was the best look alike for Aunt Bee! Don't know if that was a complement or not but I do know I was chosen for this role because I already looked like Aunt Bee!

Well folks, that catches you up on my happenings for the past month or two. Hopefully, I am back in the swing of things now.

Love ya all!